Leading Us Into the Future

Leading Us Into the Future

San Antonio has made huge strides in recent years to improve and enrich the lives of citizens and visitors. From very visible physical improvements to the diversification of the economy and the expansion of educational opportunities, the momentum has been created...
Andreen McDonald of Starlight Homes Assisted Living

Andreen McDonald of Starlight Homes Assisted Living

Working Hard, Taking Risks and Getting Things Done Some people sit back and watch the world go by. Others jump in feet first, taking the reins and charting their own course. Andreen McDonald definitely falls into the second category. “I like to get things done,” she...
Women in Commercial Real Estate

Women in Commercial Real Estate

Women in Commercial Real Estate Commercial Specialists In The Engine of Growth When people think about different types of commercial real estate, they typically think about shopping centers, office buildings or warehouses. The commercial real estate industry...
Go-To Leaders

Go-To Leaders

In San Antonio, they are known as the leaders who get the job done. If you have a professional or community need, just go to one of these women, and they will either help or point you in the right direction. They are forging community partnerships, connecting people...
Women in Law

Women in Law

Relationships and Expertise Equal Better Client Outcomes There are two professionals every business owner eventually needs: an accountant and a lawyer. For entrepreneurs just starting or already running a small business, many may wonder if they need a business lawyer....
Nursing Leaders

Nursing Leaders

Promote Innovation, Education and Quality Care for Local Patients From education to research, nurses in San Antonio are making a huge impact in the quality of patient care in this community. As we spend time with four leaders in the nursing profession, residents...
Texas Woman